Dying Light 2 – Choose Your Path’s

Techland has just released a new gameplay demo which shows us a totally new perspective on our new hero Aiden Caldwell. In the new game, you will have to choose your paths in order to change the game course.
Each choice you make will have an influence on your game, sometimes a tiny one and sometimes a massive one.
In Dying Light 2 you will be the one who is responsible for your own destiny.

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Table Top Racing: World Tour – Nitro Edition Review

I remember when being 10 years old when I first played Micro Machines and since then to this day I am still playing and racing Table Top with RC Cars and that’s why I got excited when I heard Table Top Racing: World Tour is finally coming to the switch after it was released 3 years ago on Steam, Xbox One and PS4, but what is new in the Switch version of the game? lets find out.

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